Stories of Hope
Browse our Stories of Hope to read about what God is doing through Emblaze Ministries. These are stories from around the world of God’s redemption and grace in the lives of real people. We’re so thankful for the ways God continues to use Emblaze to grow the Kingdom of God around the globe.
Cuba Marriage Conference Winter 2018
Our team just got back from Cuba where we saw 300 people from all across Cuba meet in the West to learn the 2 Becoming 1 Marriage material. Most of the couples were pastors or lay leaders in their communities who will bring the teaching home to their churches to help...
Can God Resurrect a Broken Marriage?
An update from Christian Family Life: This past Sunday, we celebrated Easter—the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As I reflected on Jesus’ resurrection, I began to think about the number of broken marriages around the world and I thought, “The same...
Going for Gold (Raising the Standard)
Do you know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. (Go for Gold). Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training (sacrifice & commitment). They do it to get a crown that will not last;...
Cuba 2021
Dear Family, I remember hearing my parents tell me as a kid to be grateful for what I have and to not be too anxious for something better because we don’t know what problems, stress and hardships “better” will bring. There is a huge movement and push in the U.S. for...
When Revival Comes
Revival. What does it take to get revived? A lady received a talking parrot from her son for Mother’s Day. The problem was that the bird’s language was rather foul. He swore terribly. The first time it happened the dear lady threatened the bird. “If it happens again,...
10 Year Anniversary BBQ for Donors, With Special Guest
We are looking forward to seeing you all at the 10th Anniversary Celebration of Emblaze Ministries! To celebrate we have the Juno Award nominee Marlin Ramazzini (and band) and her husband Juno Award-winning bassist and composer Fito Garcia. Check out her...
New Nepal Missionary: Pastor Nin
Pastor Min Bangsiling Central Nepal My name is Min Bahadur. I was born in a rural area in Chitwan. It is a place where there is no electricity and very weak medical and educational facilities. I was born in a poor Hindu family. After my birth, my mother became a...
Yuniesky’s Story Through the story of one man we are taken through a life of brokeness to one of wholeness in Christ. This is a testimony of how Christ changed a life and took him from carpentry to saving the lost.
Setting the Captives Free
Cuba’s Prison Crisis Despite the death of Fidel Castro and Raul Castro’s retirement next year, Cuba continues to be a military state with a high percentage of political criminals and a large prison population. Prisoners are dealt with harshly. Conditions inside...